I don’t know why it’s on my mind; there are plenty of other things to keep me occupied, what with Simply Red and Jools Holland hitting the Cartmel stage in just over four weeks time, but I woke up this morning worrying about cats. How are those driverless cars going to avoid cats that stray into the road? Then I remembered that I haven’t got a cat, so I worried a bit less. But I do have two dogs… and what about small children, and Jimmy Moffatt’s horses – and all the horses in Newmarket for that matter.
It strikes me that the nature of the country lanes around Cartmel are never going to lend themselves to the technology being developed for self-driving vehicles. How are they going to recognise the temporary traffic management system that we put in place for race-days? The road to the north of the racecourse is made one-way throughout the early part of the day – allowing visitors to approach the racecourse without creating gridlock in the village.
around the time of the fourth race, we turn all the signage around – reversing
the one-way system to allow the traffic to leave. We’re encouraging all
racegoers attending on Saturday 28th May, when Simply Red play after
the races, to arrive early. However, any late arrivals will be directed to the
south of the racecourse, where they can access the car parks adjacent to the
Course Enclosure without encountering any traffic leaving the Paddock
Enclosure. I’m just hoping that no one decides to ignore the signs and follow
their sat-nav instead, or even worse – decides to arrive in a driverless car.

haven’t decided which way to vote yet, so I can’t offer any advice on the
referendum question. However, word has reached me - from Francis at Burlington
Stone - that there is mounting scepticism about the quality of the racing
selections in this blog. With that in mind, we’re going to make up for recent
losses with Jungle Cat in the Palace House Stakes at Newmarket - as long as
he doesn’t get squashed by a driverless car on his way to the races.